Exploring Computational Tools in Biologics Research: Current Implementation & Best Practices

Time: 9:05 am
day: Pre-Conference Day


This workshop aims to facilitate an in-depth exploration of the computational tools and software (Rosetta, Moe, Schrodinger, AlphaFold, etc.) utilized in biologics research, focusing on which areas of the biologics development pipeline they are best suited to, limitations, as well as how they can effectively be used in conjunction. Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss and compare various tools commonly used in the industry, gaining insights into the rationale behind tool selection and the unique capabilities offered by different platforms

Highlights include:

  • Examination of the functionalities and features offered by each tool, including molecular modeling, sequence analysis, and immunogenicity prediction
  • Discussion on the strengths and limitations of different tools in addressing specific challenges in biologics discovery and development
  • Application of molecular dynamics and structure prediction tools to design/engineer antibodies
